SIGCSE Virtual 2024
Thu 5 - Sun 8 December 2024
Sat 7 Dec 2024 20:00 - 20:30 at Working Groups - Working Groups

Traditional points-based grading can have negative impacts. As a result, many educators are experimenting with alternative grading practices that are more equitable for students. However, educators often face challenges in implementing equitable grading practices due to a lack of clear, practical descriptions of techniques and the fact that not all techniques are universally applicable. We propose a working group that will address this problem using a three-pronged strategy: conducting a systematic literature review to gather documented techniques, compiling “recipes” or concrete descriptions of these techniques, and publishing them in an open-source, online “playbook” of equitable grading practices as a community resource for educators. This approach aims to make such practices more accessible and adaptable to various classroom situations.

Sat 7 Dec

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19:00 - 21:00
Working GroupsConference at Working Groups
AI in and for K-12 Informatics Education. Life after Generative AI.
Erik Barendsen Radboud University & Open University, Violetta Lonati University of Milan, Keith Quille TUDublin Ireland, Rukiye Altin Kiel University, Monica Divitini Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Sara Hooshangi Virginia Tech, Oscar Karnalim University of Newcastle, Natalie Kiesler DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Madison Melton UNC Charlotte, Calkin Suero Montero Uppsala University, Anna Morpurgo Università degli Studi di Milano
A Survey of Undergraduate Theory of Computing Curricula
Ryan Dougherty United States Military Academy, Tim Randolph Harvey Mudd College
Developing a Playbook of Equitable Grading Practices
Stephen Edwards Virginia Tech, David Largent Ball State University, J. Ben Schafer University of Northern Iowa
Exploring Approaches to Assessing Student Teamwork in Undergraduate Computing Projects
Alexander Mitchell Falmouth University, Michael Scott Falmouth University, Bedour Alshaigy Uppsala University, Wendo Geraldes Instituto Federal de Goiás, Rita Garcia Unity and Victoria University of Wellington, Mirela Gutica British Columbia Institute of Technology, Hieke Keuning Utrecht University, Ellie Lovellette College of Charleston, Parthasarathy PD BITS Pilani KK Birla Goa Campus, Seán Russell University College Dublin, Sandra Schulz University of Hamburg, Xi Wu The University of Sydney

Information for Participants
Sat 7 Dec 2024 19:00 - 21:00 at Working Groups - Working Groups
Info for room Working Groups:

Working Groups - Saturday December 7th

To access the live meeting for the working groups, please use the following Zoom link: