SIGCSE Virtual 2024
Thu 5 - Sun 8 December 2024
Thu 5 Dec 2024 13:00 - 13:30 at Track 1 - Thursday - Papers 13 - Intermediate Courses

Due to the substantial number of enrollments in programming courses, a key challenge is delivering personalized feedback to students. The nature of this feedback varies significantly, contingent on the subject and the chosen evaluation method. However, tailoring current Automated Assessment Tools (AATs) to integrate other program analysis tools is not straightforward. Moreover, AATs usually support only specific programming languages, providing feedback exclusively through dedicated websites based on test suites.

This paper introduces GitSEED, a language-agnostic automated assessment tool designed for Programming Education and Software Engineering (SE) and backed by GitLab. The students interact with GitSEED through GitLab. Using GitSEED, students in Computer Science (CS) and SE can master the fundamentals of git while receiving personalized feedback on their programming assignments and projects. Furthermore, faculty members can easily tailor GitSEED’s pipeline by integrating various code evaluation tools (e.g., memory leak detection, fault localization, program repair, etc.) to offer personalized feedback that aligns with the needs of each CS/SE course. Our experiments assess GitSEED’s efficacy via comprehensive user evaluation, examining the impact of feedback mechanisms and features on student learning outcomes. Findings reveal positive correlations between GitSEED usage and student engagement.

Link to Presentation:

Thu 5 Dec

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13:00 - 14:00
Papers 13 - Intermediate CoursesConference at Track 1 - Thursday
GitSEED: A Git-backed Automated Assessment Tool for Software Engineering and Programming Education
Pedro Orvalho Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, Mikoláš Janota INESC-ID, IST, ULisboa, Vasco Manquinho INESC-ID; Universidade de Lisboa
An Interactive Visual Presentation of Core Database Design Concepts
Noha Mostafa Assiut University Information Systems Department, Mohammed Farghally Virginia Tech, Mostafa Mohammed The University at Buffalo - SUNY, Taysir Soliman Assiut University Information Systems Department

Information for Participants
Thu 5 Dec 2024 13:00 - 14:00 at Track 1 - Thursday - Papers 13 - Intermediate Courses
Info for room Track 1 - Thursday:

Track 1 - Thursday December 5th

To access the live meeting for this track, please use the following Zoom link: