SIGCSE Virtual 2024
Thu 5 - Sun 8 December 2024
Sat 7 Dec 2024 22:15 - 22:30 at Track 3 - Saturday - Posters 2

Widespread and accessible use of artificial intelligence (AI) has escalated dramatically in recent years, with teachers being among those who need to understand, use, and teach these concepts and technologies. However, teachers’ access to training and their interest in learning and using AI vary, often due to limited opportunities to attend rigorous, out-of-school training and to receive on-going classroom support. In this work, we report on thematic findings from a contextual analysis of teacher responses to open-ended survey items as well as interviews with them, which informed the design of a customized and relevant professional development experience for a group of middle school teachers. Our findings have implications for supporting teacher professional development in K-12 AI education.

Link to Presentation:

Sat 7 Dec

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22:00 - 23:00
Cybersecurity Pedagogy: Exploration Of Effective Teaching Methods For Engaging Middle School Learners
Brenda Chavez North Carolina State University, Madison Thomas North Carolina State University, Erynn Elmore NC State University, Veronica Catete North Carolina State University
Investigating the Needs of Middle School Educators in Teaching Artificial Intelligence
Danielle Boulden North Carolina State University, Jessica Vandenberg North Carolina State University, Alex Goslen North Carolina State University, Veronica Catete North Carolina State University, Wookhee Min North Carolina State University, Bradford Mott North Carolina State University
Leveraging Large Language Models for Automated Assessment of Elementary Students’ Block-Based Narrative Programs
Anisha Gupta North Carolina State University, Robert Monahan North Carolina State University, Jessica Vandenberg North Carolina State University, Andy Smith North Carolina State University, Rasha Elsayed WestEd, Kimkinyona Fox WestEd, James Minogue NC State University, Kevin Oliver North Carolina State University, Aleata Hubbard Cheuoua WestEd, Cathy Ringstaff WestEd, Bradford Mott North Carolina State University
Towards Computing Education for Lifelong Learners: Exploring Computational Thinking Unplugged Approaches
Friday Joseph Agbo Willamette University, Connor Everetts Willamette University

Information for Participants
Sat 7 Dec 2024 22:00 - 23:00 at Track 3 - Saturday - Posters 2
Info for room Track 3 - Saturday:

Track 3 - Saturday December 5th

To access the live meeting for this track, please use the following Zoom link: