SIGCSE Virtual 2024
Thu 5 - Sun 8 December 2024
Sat 7 Dec 2024 20:00 - 20:30 at Track 3 - Papers 6: Intermediate Courses

Problem. Extant measures of students’ cybersecurity self-efficacy lack sufficient evidence of validity based on internal structure. Such evidence of validity is needed to enhance confidence in conclusions drawn from use of self-efficacy measures in the cybersecurity domain.

Research Question. To address this identified problem, we sought to answer our research question: What is the underlying factor structure of a new self-efficacy for Information Security measure?

Method. We leveraged exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to determine the number of factors underlying a new measure of student self-efficacy to conduct information security. This measure was created to align with the five elements of the information security section of the K-12 Cybersecurity Education framework. Participants were 190 undergraduate students recruited from computer science courses across the U.S.

Findings. Results from the EFA indicated that a four-factor solution best fit the data while maximizing interpretability of the factors. The internal reliability of the measure was quite strong (alpha = .99).

Implications. The final factor solution did not fully mirror the five elements of the information security section of the K-12 Cybersecurity Education framework. Regardless, the psychometric quality of this measure was demonstrated, and thus evidence of validity based on internal structure has been established. Future work will conduct a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and assess measurement invariance across subgroups of interest (e.g., over- vs. under-represented race/ethnicity groups, gender)

Sat 7 Dec

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19:00 - 20:30
Papers 6: Intermediate CoursesConference at Track 3
Investigating Students' Perspectives on the Value of Help-Seeking Resources in CS Education
Matthew Zahn North Carolina State University, Sarah Heckman North Carolina State University, Lina Battestilli North Carolina State University
The Internal Internship: Enabling Novel Opportunities for Undergraduate Data Science Experiential Education
Jessica Liebowitz Brandeis University, Timothy Hickey Brandeis University
Validation of an Instrument to Measure Self-Efficacy in Information Security
Joseph Tise Institute for Advancing Computing Education, Monica McGill Institute for Advancing Computing Education