Registered user since Thu 26 Sep 2024
Hello! I am Rifat Sabbir Mansur. I go by “Ri”. I am a PhD candidate in the Digital Education Research lab at Virginia Tech, advised by Dr. Cliff Shaffer and Dr. Steve Edwards. I earned my Bachelor’s degree from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), and my Master’s degree from Virginia Tech. My research interests lie in the areas of software engineering (SE), human-computer interaction (HCI), and computer education research (CER). I have published in top conferences such as SIGCSE, CHI, CSCW, and IEEE. Regarding extracurricular activities, I have served in several leadership roles, including graduate representative for the Diversity Committee and CS Grad Council in the Computer Science department at Virginia Tech. Additionally, I held the position of president for ABS@VT and contributed as a hackathon judge for both VTHacks and HackViolet events.
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