SIGCSE Virtual 2024
Thu 5 - Sun 8 December 2024
Thu 5 Dec 2024 14:30 - 15:00 at Track 2 - Thursday - Papers 15: Students and Pedagogy

Understanding how individuals, including students, make decisions involving risk is a fundamental aspect of behavioral research. Despite the ubiquity of risk in various aspects of life, limited empirical work has explored student risk-taking behavior in computing education. This study aims to partially replicate prior research on risk-taking behavior in software engineers while focusing on students, shedding light on the factors that affect their risk-taking choices. In our work, students were presented with a hypothetical scenario related to meeting a course project deadline, where they had to choose between a risky option and a safer alternative. We examined several factors that might influence these choices, including the framing of the decision (as a potential gain or loss), students’ enjoyment of programming, perceived difficulty of programming, and their academic performance in the course. Our findings reveal intriguing insights into student risk-taking behavior. First, similar to software engineers in prior work, the framing of the decision significantly impacted the choices students made, with the loss framing leading to a higher likelihood for risky choices. Surprisingly, students displayed a greater inclination towards risk-taking compared to their professional counterparts in prior research. Furthermore, we observed that students’ prior academic performance in the course and their enjoyment of programming had a subtle influence on their risk-taking tendencies, with better-performing students and those who enjoyed programming being marginally more prone to taking risks. Notably, we did not find statistically significant correlations between perceived difficulty of programming and risk-taking behavior among students.

Link to Presentation:

Thu 5 Dec

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14:30 - 16:00
Papers 15: Students and PedagogyConference at Track 2 - Thursday
"Sometimes You Just Gotta Risk It for the Biscuit": A Portrait of Student Risk-Taking
Juho Leinonen Aalto University, Paul Denny The University of Auckland
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Predicting Student Performance Using Sequence Models in XLogoOnline
Jeremy Marbach ETH Zurich, Jacqueline Staub University of Trier, Dirk Schmerenbeck University of Trier, Chao Wen Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Lessons learned from integrating a Metaverse App into a CS Math Course to increase Commuter Student Participation
Philipp Kather Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Christian Scheffer Bochum University of Applied Sciences

Information for Participants
Thu 5 Dec 2024 14:30 - 16:00 at Track 2 - Thursday - Papers 15: Students and Pedagogy
Info for room Track 2 - Thursday:

Track 2 - Thursday December 5th

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