SIGCSE Virtual 2024
Thu 5 - Sun 8 December 2024
Thu 5 Dec 2024 15:30 - 16:00 at Track 2 - Thursday - Papers 15: Students and Pedagogy

Developing social and communication skills is crucial for students across disciplines. To foster this, students must engage with other students. However, this may be inherently more difficult for commuting students. Two studies are outlined here. The first study n=54 surveyed computer science students from two universities on their study habits outside of class, revealing a strong preference for studying alone due to factors like commuting or task suitability. To address the commuting issues and increase participation of commuting students, we introduced “AnoPlatform”, a metaverse platform facilitating group work for both commuting and non-commuting students. In a subsequent study (n=176 in the pre- and n=113 in the post-test), we assessed the impact of this platform. We did not find a statistically significant impact of the platform on social learning activities for commuting students. However, we were able to gain insights into how this could potentially be improved and also report on initial data on the use of such a platform in flipped classroom settings post-pandemic.

Link to Presentation:

Thu 5 Dec

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14:30 - 16:00
Papers 15: Students and PedagogyConference at Track 2 - Thursday
"Sometimes You Just Gotta Risk It for the Biscuit": A Portrait of Student Risk-Taking
Juho Leinonen Aalto University, Paul Denny The University of Auckland
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Predicting Student Performance Using Sequence Models in XLogoOnline
Jeremy Marbach ETH Zurich, Jacqueline Staub University of Trier, Dirk Schmerenbeck University of Trier, Chao Wen Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Lessons learned from integrating a Metaverse App into a CS Math Course to increase Commuter Student Participation
Philipp Kather Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Christian Scheffer Bochum University of Applied Sciences

Information for Participants
Thu 5 Dec 2024 14:30 - 16:00 at Track 2 - Thursday - Papers 15: Students and Pedagogy
Info for room Track 2 - Thursday:

Track 2 - Thursday December 5th

To access the live meeting for this track, please use the following Zoom link: